Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is medical cannabis? Medical cannabis refers to using the whole cannabis plant or its basic extracts to treat a disease or symptom. For more detailed information, you can check our blog post on Understanding Medical Cannabis.

2. How does medical cannabis work? The chemicals in cannabis, called cannabinoids, impact the central nervous system and can relieve pain, nausea, and other symptoms. Our founder, David Johnson, delves deeper into this in his book, The Science Behind Medical Cannabis.

3. What is the difference between medical cannabis and medical marijuana? The terms medical cannabis and medical marijuana refer to the same thing, however "cannabis" is the scientific name while "marijuana" is more colloquial. We've discussed this topic in detail in our article Medical Cannabis vs. Medical Marijuana.

4. What is CBD oil? CBD oil is a product derived from cannabis. It's a type of cannabinoid, which are the chemicals naturally found in marijuana plants. Learn more about CBD in our blog, All About CBD Oil.

5. How is THC different from CBD? THC is the main psychoactive compound in marijuana that gives the high sensation, while CBD is not psychoactive. Both have significant therapeutic attributes. David Johnson covers this in his book, THC vs. CBD: The Cannabinoid Spectrum.

6. How can I speak with a doctor about medical cannabis? Speaking to a doctor about medical cannabis can feel daunting. We have a guide on How to Speak with a Doctor About Medical Cannabis that can help you prepare.

7. How can I get a prescription for medical cannabis? Different regions have different regulations. For a step-by-step guide, read our article How to Get a Prescription for Medical Cannabis.

8. What conditions can medical cannabis treat? There's substantial evidence that medical cannabis can treat chronic pain, and help manage the symptoms of various other conditions. Read more on this in our series Medical Cannabis Therapy.

9. How can I determine the right dosage of medical cannabis? The right dosage depends on various factors. Our Cannabis Coaching service offers individualized guidance on dosage.

10. Can I grow my own medical cannabis? Legality depends on your location, but David Johnson’s book Growing Medical Cannabis at Home provides comprehensive guidance.

11. Are there side effects to using medical cannabis? Like any medication, medical cannabis can have side effects. These are discussed in our blog post Potential Side Effects of Medical Cannabis.

12. How is medical cannabis taken? Medical cannabis can be ingested, inhaled, applied topically, or placed under the tongue. Learn more in our post Methods of Taking Medical Cannabis.

13. Can medical cannabis interact with other medications? Yes, medical cannabis can interact with other medications. We cover this topic in our Cannabis and Drug Interactions article.

14. Does medical cannabis have psychoactive effects? Only parts of the cannabis plant cause psychoactive effects, mainly due to THC. Our blog post Understanding the Psychoactive Effects of Cannabis explains this in detail.

15. Is medical cannabis addictive? While cannabis can be addictive to some, it’s less common with medical usage. This is explored in our blog post Addressing Addiction Concerns in Medical Cannabis.

16. Can I overdose on medical cannabis? It's important to use medical cannabis responsibly. You can read about this in our blog post

17. What are the benefits of CBD oil? CBD oil can help manage symptoms such as chronic pain, anxiety, and insomnia. Our blog post The Benefits of CBD Oil provides more information.

18. Can medical cannabis be used for mental health conditions? Yes, medical cannabis can be beneficial in treating certain mental health conditions. Our Medical Cannabis and Mental Health article provides a detailed understanding.

19. What are custom cannabis care plans? Custom Cannabis Care Plans are personalized cannabis treatment strategies that are tailored to meet individual health needs. You can learn more about our custom plans here.

20. Can assist with starting a small cannabis business? Yes, we offer consultation services for those looking to enter the cannabis industry. Visit our Small Cannabis Industry Start-Up Consultation page for more details.

We hope this FAQ section has been helpful. If you have more questions, feel free to contact us. Remember, our founder David Johnson has written a series of 25 books on specific medical conditions that benefit from medical cannabis therapy. You might find the answers to your queries there. Enjoy exploring our resource-rich website and find the answers to all your medical cannabis queries.